LDPE Braskem PE STS7006 低速凝固晶点,光滑性,光学性能,抗结块性,可更新资

牌号:Braskem PE STS7006
厂家:Braskem America Inc.
仓储地:浙江 宁波
价格:电联 13061808058 获取最新价格


Description: STS7006 is a low-density polyethylene (LDPE) specially developed for coextruded films and lamination. The resin presents a great combination among mechanical, optical and stiffness properties. Besides STS7006 has low gels content which ensure a production of excellent appearance films. This product is identified as PE 114 according to ASTM D-4976-04a standard specification. The minimum biobased content of this grade is 95%, determined according to ASTM D6866.

Additives: Antiblocking. Slip agent.

Applications: High clarity films for coextruded food packaging, such as: cheese, meat, sausages, sliced ham, etc.

Process: Blown Film Extrusion.


  • 抗结块剂
  • 增滑剂
  • 低速凝固晶点
  • 光滑性
  • 光学性能
  • 抗结块性
  • 可更新资源
  • 清晰度,高
  • 无 BPA
  • 层压板
  • 食品包装
  • FDA 21 CFR 177.1520
  • 薄膜挤出
  • 吹塑薄膜
密度 0.924g/cm³ASTM D792
熔流率(熔体流动速率) (190°C/2.16 kg)0.60g/10 minASTM D1238
薄膜厚度 - 经测试 50µm
割线模量 ASTM D882
    2% 正割, MD : 50 µm, 吹塑薄膜 140MPaASTM D882
    2% 正割, TD : 50 µm, 吹塑薄膜 170MPaASTM D882
抗张强度 ASTM D882
    MD : 断裂, 50 µm, 吹塑薄膜 25.0MPaASTM D882
    TD : 断裂, 50 µm, 吹塑薄膜 20.0MPaASTM D882
伸长率 ASTM D882
    MD : 断裂, 50 µm, 吹塑薄膜 350%ASTM D882
    TD : 断裂, 50 µm, 吹塑薄膜 700%ASTM D882
落锤冲击 1(50 µm, 吹塑薄膜)170gASTM D1709
埃尔曼多夫抗撕强度 ASTM D1922
    MD : 50 µm, 吹塑薄膜 310gASTM D1922
    TD : 50 µm, 吹塑薄膜 250gASTM D1922
光泽度 ASTM D2457
    45°, 吹塑薄膜 60ASTM D2457
    60°, 吹塑薄膜 84ASTM D2457
雾度 (吹塑薄膜)9.0%ASTM D1003
生物质含量 > 95%ASTM D6866
Blown Film Properties: 50µm thickness film, processed in a 50mm blow film line with barrier screw. 25:1 L/D and a 1.0 mm die gap at a 2.3: 1 blow up ratio.Recommended processing conditions:Blow Film ExtrusionTemperature Profile:……....from 150 to 185°CMass Temperature:........... from 180 to 185°CBlow up Ratio:…………….….from 2,0 to 3,0:1Die Gap:………………………..1,0 mm
1 .F50
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